This idea certainly came from left field. It’s untypical, strange and unusual—the definition of left field apparently—and the more I reflect, I realise that’s who I am. Yep, I’m a bit of a weirdo. I often try to hide it, mask it or shy away from it, but deep down there're all kinds of bizarreness going on in my psyche.
Embracing oddness, however, is scary. All my ideas are a little whacky, but in the age of AI, perhaps it’s time to go with them?

Firstly, I should probably explain the random idea behind the Castle of Creation. It occurred to me the other day that although I love words, some of them have become limiting. Scary, in fact. I’ve always been a bit of a thinker—an over-thinker most of the time—but lately I’ve noticed a block. It’s not so much of a creative block, but a sharing block. I’ve been making these things, but I’ve become a little afraid of showing them to the world. The perfectionist in me has reared her ugly head and brought back my turtle tendencies.
If you’re wondering what on earth I’m talking about, all will soon become clear… or less hazy.
So, what is the castle? Well, it’s a very wonky and haphazard drawing of a building with loads of windows because each one has a very particular function. In the real, 3D version, they open onto a word. I know, that sounds a little lacklustre, but for me, they aren’t just any words. They’re important words. Words with obscure meanings that sometimes they don’t mean at all, have become wrapped up in all kinds of insecurities, worries and anxiety… but destined to inspire.

Perhaps it is my whacky version of practising The Art of Possibility, The Inner Game of Music or Atomic Habits, or perhaps I’m attempting to find some Stillness in the Storm?
Whatever it is, I know creativity is hard. It’s the thing we squeeze inside the windows of time, between work and life commitments… but often, it’s what keeps us going. It’s the practice that keeps us strong, inspired, and able to turn up in the world and be who we are. Because, at the end of the day; we are creative.
